Arnlea scoops 'Going Global' award at AGCC event
[23 April 2022]
Arnlea, global leader in industrial mobile software for tracking, inspection and maintenance for the energy industry, won the Going Global award at last night's glittering award ceremony at the P&J Live in Aberdeen.
This award recognises a company which has been successful in growing internationally. In the past two years, we have become market leader on the UK Continental Shelf and we are operating and trading around the globe from Angola to Argentina, from Gabon to Guyana, and from the USA to UAE.
Our CEO, Allan Merritt, who collected the prize said:
On behalf of Arnlea, we are extremely grateful and delighted to have been awarded this prestigious business award by the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce. To be recognised for the work we have achieved in the past twelve months is a real testament to the productivity, creative thinking and innovation, and the resilience of all in our business.
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2022 winners - photography courtesy AGCC