Risk-Based Ex Inspections Save Costs and Increase Safety
In hazardous environments, ensuring compliance and minimising risk is critical. Traditional inspection methods can be time-consuming, costly, and often lack the precision required for optimal safety. That's where Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) strategies come into play.
By prioritising inspections based on the risk each asset poses, RBI strategies allow for smarter, more targeted inspections that focus on the highest-risk areas. This not only saves costs but also ensures that safety is never compromised.
At Arnlea, our Ex inspection software, Nexar, takes this a step further. Nexar integrates RBI strategies to streamline inspections, reduce downtime, and enhance safety—all while ensuring compliance with IEC standards. Whether you're inspecting equipment in an oil and gas facility, chemical processing plant, distillery, or another hazardous environment, Nexar delivers a configurable, cloud-based solution that’s as powerful as it is user-friendly.
With Nexar, clients can expect faster, more efficient inspections that reduce costs while meeting the highest standards of safety and compliance.
To find out more about risk-based Ex inspection strategies in Nexar, book a demo today: